Unlock the true potential of your Customer Data

Streamline compliance, enhance customer experiences, and drive operational efficiency with SparkScan’s powerful data capabilities.

SparkScan is a product that is able to search, resolve and enrich customer data by using public registries and private data sources, such as the UK Government’s Companies House, and the Charities Commission.

It helps financial institutions meet Anti-Money Laundering (AML) compliance obligations by providing a single, consolidated view of customers and associated parties for comparison against their internal data retained about their understanding of their client.

Industry Leading
Data Enhancement

Comprehensive Data Consolidation

Consolidate data from authoritative sources to create a single, reliable view of your customers.

Use sources collected and managed by bigspark or sources you have privately acquired or managed.

Intelligent Entity Resolution

Leverage advanced, rule-based entity resolution to accurately match and resolve entities, swiftly identifying the quality of your customer records.

Automated Data Enrichment

Enrich customer records with valuable information from authoritative sources, ensuring your data is always up-to-date and actionable.

Enhanced Customer Experiences and Operational Efficiency

Minimise unnecessary customer outreach and improve data accuracy to deliver seamless, personalised experiences.

Reduce manual effort, reallocate resources to high-value activities, and scale your data management processes with ease.

Customer Record Standardisation

Efficiently update large volumes of customer records in your core systems across multiple data standards supported by SparkScan, such as JSON, XML and CSV.

Ensure consistency and accuracy across your organisation.

Automated and Customisable
Compliance Reporting

Configured to meet your unique regulatory requirements and internal policies.

Automatically report material discrepancies to regulators, ensuring sustainable compliance and mitigating risk.

Our Offerings

Measure & Diagnose

Data and Opportunity Assessment

Assess the quality and completeness of your customer data across various systems and identify areas where data enrichment and consolidation can have the greatest impact on compliance, operational efficiency, and customer experience.

We will provide you a comprehensive assessment that uncover trends and patterns, and inform strategic approaches to data management that target your specific pain points, with use cases and hypotheses to prioritise.

Ready to unlock the power of your data?

Complete the contact form below.

Ready to tackle
your pain points?

Complete the contact form below.

Prove & Validate

Rapid Proof of Value

Deploy SparkScan in a targeted, agile manner to quickly validate its effectiveness in addressing specific data challenges, such as improving the accuracy of customer risk profiles or streamlining KYC processes.

We’ll work with you to prove the value SparkScan can provide to specific pain points or use cases within your business in one month.

Scale & Optimise

Enterprise Implementation

Leverage SparkScan’s advanced capabilities further, complementing existing solutions and improve your operational efficiency and risk mitigation.

Beyond implementing SparkScan, we’ll also establish a metrics-driven approach to data management, incorporating robust quality checks and industry best practices to maintain compliance.

Ready to transform your
data capabilities?

Complete the contact form below.

Interested in what SparkScan can do for you?